TAPAS - the niyama series
Here we continue to deepen our learning of yoga by delving into yogic philosophy as described by Patanjai in the 8 limbs of yoga.
The niyamas are a set of 5 personal observances - lets take a look at number 3- TAPAS which means to heat or burn and involves the conscious effort to burn away our negative habits, attachments and ego driven desires.
Tapas is developed by building our inner fire- or agni- through mindfully and compassionately working through and practicing things we find difficult. It challenges our preferences- our likes, dislikes and attachments and the tendency we may have towards keeping things easy- when we know it may not be the best for us. Working with tapas can empower us to make positive change and cultivate positive qualities like determination, focus and will power which drive change and transformation.
Do you recall the feeling of accomplishing something challenging?
We all have moments of self doubt, and we have all experienced the sense of accomplishment when we move beyond that doubt or limiting beliefs to achieve a goal. It may be mastering a yoga pose, it may be sitting for longer in stillness - for each of us things will look and feel differently so creating a goal and working on it consistently is key. It should be something simple and small enough to become successful at, but difficult and challenging enough to engage the will.
Tapas is an activity of mind, body or speech which demands a keen concentration of thought or requiring unusual and continuous physical effort.
Doing hard things keeps us young! Learning new skills builds new neural pathways, literally making our brains bigger and more flexible. Cognitive function is improved, as is cardiovascualr health. Bone density is increased, joints and muscles of the body strengthened and the whole system is vitalised. The outlook on life improves, as with self esteem and resilience.
Want to learn more?
Developing a daily routine with specific and individually tailored practices (sadhana) is the best way to begin developing your practice of tapas. Guidance is offered one on one with Mell and is based on the ancient practices of yoga and ayurveda.
Enquire via email for more info.